I’m Done With Physical Therapy. Now What?

When I first started working here at Focus Physiotherapy I thought my main goal was to get people out of pain. While that is certainly an important part of what we do here, I quickly realized that getting people out of pain is only the beginning.

This is a question I get all the time from my patients. You have just spent six weeks working with your physical therapist to get your pain under control and it is going really well. You have not felt that nagging pain in several weeks and your therapist has decided it is time for you to “graduate”. All of this is great news, but for many patients this can be a time of great uncertainty. To be released from therapy and away from the supervision of your therapist can be a scary thing which often leads to the patient wondering what they should do next.

This is such an exciting time for me as a therapist. When I first started working here at Focus Physiotherapy I thought my main goal was to get people out of pain. While that is certainly an important part of what we do here, I quickly realized that getting people out of pain is only the beginning. Where the real fun starts is when I get to help my patients start to participate in things they never would have thought possible because of their pain.

When you are no longer suffering from pain, a whole new world of opportunity is open to you. Things that once seemed to be far out of reach are now well within your grasp. Maybe you have a friend who is a member of the local Iron Tribe or Orangetheory and you have always wondered what they do there. For others it may be hiking, dance, Pilates, or a multitude of other activities. The simple answer to the previous question is, whatever you want! Experiment with different forms of physical activity and figure out what you enjoy. You will be amazed at what your body can do and how much fun you will have.

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