Just get rid of my headaches!

It is not uncommon to almost completely eliminate headache and migraine symptoms that have persisted for years or decades in just a few visits.

Headaches and migraines are debilitating... and treatable!

Headaches are one of the most debilitating diagnoses that we treat. Constant throbbing and pounding at the base of the skull, above and behind the eyes, in the jaw, and around the temple steal your focus during the work day. Exercise is not an option for you, because you are sure it will lead to a killer migraine that knocks you out for a day or longer. Occasionally, you may even have ringing or fullness in your ear, bouts of dizziness, and nausea. You are sick and tired of having to call into work or missing life events because of your headaches and migraines. Furthermore, you can sense people's skepticism or sarcastic eye roll when you tell them you aren't able to join them for dinner because you feel another headache coming on. There is no sense of empathy from others because no one else can see or feel your suffering.

It is not uncommon to almost completely eliminate headache and migraine symptoms that have persisted for years or decades in just a few visits!

We can help! Although headache symptoms can be very frustrating to deal with, the silver lining is that they are typically very treatable with the correct interventions. Most headaches are the result of musculoskeletal dysfunction and movement restrictions in the cervical spine that increase muscular strain in the neck and manifest as headaches. Treating the root cause by using specific mobilization and soft tissue massage based on your individual impairments will restore normal movement and drastically change your headache symptoms. Dry needling is another very effective way to help manage myofascial dysfunction contributing to headaches. It is not uncommon to almost completely eliminate headache and migraine symptoms that have persisted for years or decades in just a few visits!

Don't let headaches keep you down. Come see us at Focus to see what it's like to live without headaches!

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