Scoliosis: Will it get worse? Does physical therapy help?

There are many factors used to try to predict how your spine may change or progress. If someone has the factors that show a high risk, the PT sessions will be dosed as appropriate to the need for more frequent PT sessions and more frequent follow up plan to monitor the curve.

There are many factors used to try to predict how your spine may change or progress.

If someone has the factors that show a high risk, the PT sessions will be dosed as appropriate to the need for more frequent PT sessions and more frequent follow up plan to monitor the curve.

So... Why Scoliosis specific PT?  The emphasis for PT whether as an adult or as a child it to address the muscle and joint imbalances.  The goal is to empower the individual to manage the factors within one's control.  We know multiple strategies to improve the balance of how the trunk "stacks" over the pelvis.  The Schroth exercises are incorporated to teach you how to stack these blocks of the body in a way to allow you to move more efficiently and to reduce pain when pain is an issue. This improved balance of the body helps reduce the risk of progression.

What factors contribute to the greatest risk of the curve worsening?

Age of onset - onset before the age of 10

Phase of growth (Risser Score) - risk slows as you reach skeletal maturity. This number is given based on X-ray

Severity of curve - a more severe Cobb angle (degree of curve) can also accompany a higher risk of progression.

If you or your child have been diagnosed with Scoliosis, there is hope that the right intervention can help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you to live your life to it's fullest potential.

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